Edison Public Library is supported and used daily by thousands of residents who value the library’s role in the community. Our vision and mission are guided by the relationships we build with residents every day.
Our mission describes what we do every day and our impact on those who use the library. It guides us in the services we provide, the choices we make, and our interactions with residents.
Edison Public Library is welcoming, inclusive, and dedicated to excellence.
The vision for Edison Public Library focuses on a future where it is the heart of community life.
Edison Public Library is the place where people in our community can engage, learn, and grow.
Edison Public Library staff and trustees embrace the following values in delivering service to the community:
- We welcome every person visiting the library with respect and joy.
- We offer a fulfilling library experience for everyone in our diverse community through a combination of welcoming facilities, accessible resources, and friendly, knowledgeable staff.
- We invest in our staff so they can learn, grow, and provide exceptional service.
- We provide access to the latest technology and instruction so everyone can participate in our digital society.
- We support literacy, learning, and community partnerships to encourage active civic engagement.
- We are committed to providing assistance for learning English.
- We believe that equity, diversity, and inclusion will help all our staff and patrons thrive and grow.
- We are thoughtful stewards of public resources.
- We recognize that our mission goes beyond our buildings.